Sunday 16 February 2014

The Titanic (film, scenes and notes)

A few clips out of the films about the Titanic and what I get from them about the decade. - Titanic (1997)
Jack goes for first class dinner as a payment of gratitude from Roses Fiance and Family after he prevented Rose from jumping/ falling off the back of the Boat.

  • Very posh dinner outfits
  • champagne expensive and popular
  • Men - slicked back hair and dinner suits
  • Women - mainly curly hair and its up, dresses, red lipstick
  • Jack is third class so most of the table are being very rude to him (roses mum) this would have happened a lot in this decade due to different class and segregation. 
  • all the waiters are properly suited and have clearly been taught top etiquette when working in the restaurant.
  • crystal dinner wear. - Titanic (1997)
The boarding of the Titanic in Southampton, we meet Rose and her family and we also meet Jack and how he lives.

  • There is Major difference in lifestyles, Rose is in the most luxury anyone could possibly have however she obviously wasn't happy which is progressed through her body language and her sarcasm which probably was the case for a good few 1st class children as they were very bossed around and kept away from doing anything that could be seen as wrong.
  • The old truck that is green and has southampton on would have been an average truck in its day delivering all sorts such as food, grains etc
  • the factories in the distance as they get aboard would have been seen around man city areas in England as its time. The smoke coming out of them also would have been a normal thing. - Titanic (1997)
The Titanic's look outs have just spotted the Ice Berg but they are too late to get the ship turned around - as a result it crashes into the iceberg.

  • we see the crew go through all their emergency procerdures which would have been done on any ship at the time
  • all the lights come on in the watertight rooms showing there is flooding in each one 
  • the captain and crew start to revise the situation at hand without alarming people
  • the crew are constantly working
  • the passengers arn't really sure what is going on, the have not been told what is happening. - Titanic 100th Anniversary photo shoot
I found this whilst routing round for some scenes from the titanic 1997 film. I think it shows many important things from the era, including outfits, makeup, different styles etc. - Saved from the titanic (1912)
Captain smith checking the boat. Its a silent film so its all based on the picture.

  • Captain Smith is checking the deck as any captain would do in this time or now even.
  • emergency telephone shown - antique style
  • engine room signal chart shown  - antique
  • lifeboats wooden, not that many and old
  • 2.28 - outfits taken into consideration (womens hats)
  • Baggage being craned onto the boat - note bags, very big leather trunks 
  • 6.09 - outfits to take into consideration, also excitement about the prospects of the boat/ body language happy, giddy, new experience, loving the camera? etc. - A night to remember (
first scenes out of television series made from the film

  • 2.59 - outfits and decor to be considered
  • very expensive meals in the restaurant aboard the titanic - probably the same on land for high class places.
  • 4.00 - decor very important to be considered here including the desk, quill, desk top lamp, fire place and candle sticks/holders.
  • 5.09 - mens room (very important) - men had their own living space to have time away from the women. Usually they spent time drinking whiskey and smoking cigars
  • 5.50 important quote from the time.
  • string quartet - very popular and considered high class entertainment
  • the accents/ language and words used!
  • 8.06 - 3rd class living with irish styled music and dancing. outfits and decor to take into consideration.
The Titanic - James Cameron.

the 1997 film was the most expensive and the most technologically advanced film of its time. When it hit the theatres it only took 13 weeks to become the highest grossing film within North America; It took 1.8 Billion in total grosses.  - Kevin S. Sandler, Gaylyn Studlar (1999). Titanic: Anatomy of a blockbuster. New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. p1-10.

Reflection of research

These videos from Youtube were to help me develop the media side of my research.
The main one I wanted to use was the Titanic film made by James Cameron in 1997 as its the most recent and most developed film of its time.
Its main plot was a romance between two people from different social classes, as i decided to develop my research to be about social segregation in the decade of 1910 and 1920 and how it is perceived in films, I thought this film would be great for evidence.
Reflecting back, I probably should have found a few more Scenes to help me show evidence of Social Segregation however, I do feel the two i picked were the best two to show this.

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